Monday, December 29, 2014

That eating time in between Breakfast and Dinner....

Did you know that there is actually a time smack dab in the middle of EVERY day that is designated for the enjoyment of food!? It's true. It's there, and if you live at our house there are actually three of them.... We may be more grazers really. We follow a rough breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, pre-dinner, and dinner schedule. Play hard. Eat hard. I guess. :)
Since we eat often, lunch is nothing fancy around here. I try to feed them/us well, but I’m not very good at it. I often feel like lunch is just the more rambunctious brother to quiet time and transitions us from playing to quiet time/nap time. Here is my tentative plan for this week and I hope it will give you a break so you can use those fantastic brain cells for something more coming up with an activity for New Year's Eve! 

Lunch ideas:
Quesadillas and yogurt
PB and J with an orange
Chicken Nuggets and avocados

Mac n’ Cheese with peas/carrots

I'd love to know how the rest of you are making it through this middle of the day meal we call lunch!

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