Friday, August 7, 2015

Hot Dog Boats

Yep folks, I said it. Hot. Dog. Boats. When you eat them, your arteries might sieze up for a second, but then you're mind will take over and remind your body how DE-LISH they are and how eating them brings back memories of being a kid and wanting to eat the cooked cheese right off the pan.

Go ahead. Make them. It's summer after all, and summer is a time for happiness and laughter (and very little time in the kitchen with the oven on fighting with your AC)! Besides your family will love them and they're easy peasy.

In case you forgot, you need:
1 pkg hot dogs
mashed potatoes
grated cheese

Cut the hot dogs hot dog way (I'm sorry! I couldn't resist! It was just too punny to pass up! I mean long way). Lay them cut side up on a cookie sheet (I like to line mine with foil for faster clean up). Spoon on a big scoop of mashed potatoes on each hot dog. Sprinkle grated cheese over each "boat". Bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese is melty and everything is good and warm - we're talking like 10 min-ish. Serve with a veggie so your mom will be proud!

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